Matrica Point of Sale (PoS) Forecasting

PoS Point of Sales Forecasts for Energy Retail

In the competitive energy retail markets, it's vital to have the capability to issue Quotations based on accurate pricing, demand, and risk assessments. This is true whether you are renewing an existing customer, or quoting for a new one.

Essential capabilities of a Quotation & Pricing system include:

✓ Accurate forecasting of the consumption profile, including application of correct line-loss factors

✓ Ability to quantify profile risk, and apply the appropriate risk premia.

✓ Correct application of commodity & non-commodity costs

✓ Ability to create and compare alternative, cost-reflective tariff and/or contract structures

✓ Ability to accurately forecast revenues

✓ Ability to correctly allocate costs across different meter types

✓ Ability to accurately forecast gross and net margins

✓ Seamless integration with the wholesale trading & risk management system

Matrica - The Future of Electricity Forecasting Part 1

Nominator PoS Forecasts

Matrica's Nominator ® platform offers PoS Forecast, an important tool that can be very valuable to your retail trading:

➢ Performs the core calculations laying at the heart of Quotation & Pricing in a fast and cost- effective way.

➢ Integrates with the other components of your business systems whether you are using Nominator ® platform, in-house systems, or 3rd party software.

➢ Fast and accurate forecast of demand for any required forecast duration, including identification of the profile risk

➢ Download and apply current commodity, non-commodity, and compliance costs

➢ Ability to forecast revenues from the application of your tariff/contract structures to forecast sales

➢ Ability to apply risk premia to cost calculations

➢ Ability to calculate and compare gross and net retail margins

➢ Ability to store and retrieve all demand, cost, revenue, and margin calculations

➢ Integration with wholesale energy trading & risk management system

➢ SaaS or on-Premise options

PoS Forecasts for Interval Metres (HH/interval meters)

Where there is historical meter data available PoS uses Nominator's AI models with seasonal weather data to generate accurate volume forecast.

● If meter reading is not available, we have also a bank of load profiles based on SICC code that PoS matches with the meter particulars and the meter EAC to generate forecast.

● If tariff data is available, PoS can also generates quotation using tariff rates and volume forecast and the non-commodity costs.

● PoS process is automated from receiving the request to the delivery and exporting the results, in a csv file by email or FTP

Matrica - The Future of Electricity Forecasting Part 1

Additional Features of PoS

❖ PoS enables Suppliers to add whatever other components they feel relevant to their Quotation and Pricing process. All calculations are carried out at Settlement Period granularity, assuming the underlying data structure supports it.

❖ Retail Tariff and Contracts - revenue projections

❖ Electricity forward price curves

❖ Energy imbalance prices

❖ Profile risk and premia

❖ New or anticipated additional non-commodity costs

❖ Load flexibility

❖ Special factors - defined import/export channels for EV, Solar, Wind, IoT, etc.

❖ Storage and retrieval of all data and calculation results, also possible


23rd July, 2021